

Parsijoo is a native search engine which supports  local web services

Research partner
Yazd University

With the ever growing use of the web nowadays internet search engines have turned into extremely important tools, which provide users with the information they are looking for.

Today, over 80% of internet users access their required information through web search engines. Local search engines can provide better local services and transfer the global network traffic into local traffic. Parsijoo search engine has been developed to meet this growing requirement, and has achieved coverage of more than 500 million Persian web pages, providing value-added services to interact and to respond to more than 2 million queries per day.

Within this scope, following peculiarities can be taken into account:

  • Text Search
  • Image Search
  • News Search
  • Map Search
  • Speech Search
  • Scientific Search
  • Covering local web sites-web pages- through general domains
  • Searching & indexing all Persian web pages (in web environment)
  • Intelligent updating of content
  • Providing fast answers to queries

Parsi Pardaz Persian Language Processing Tool


Offering an unique and highly versatile text processing tool.


ICT research center has developed and implemented a comprehensive and smart Persian language search tool, which can handle various kinds of text processing from lexical level to semantic level. The aim of this processing engine is to enable users to perform searches and view the results in their native language.

Parsi Pardaz comprises nine Persian language processing and integration tools for all

language analysis layers corresponding to the following categories:

  • Lexical Layer Tools: Normalizer, tokenizer,  spell checker
  • Morphological Layer Tool: Lemmatizer, Stemming, POS Tagger
  • Syntactic Layer Tool: Syntactic parser dependency
  • Semantic Layer Tool: Semantic rule labeling

Conference on Development Strategies of CDN (Content Delivery Network) in Iran

  • Training of CDN concepts through 9 workshops
  • Explaining the challenges of CDN Implementation Introducing CDN services
  • Introducing CDN business models
  • Introducing CDN security
  • Introducing CDN required regulation
Research partner
Ehram Safari-ITO (Information Technology Organization)

This conference, co-sponsored by Information Technology Organization and Iran telecommunication research center, was held in December, 2015 and comprised workshops and 5 panels addressing the key challenges in the implementation of CDN.

Within this scope, the following features are taken in to account:

  • Providing 5 panels addressing the key challenges in the implementation of CDN
  • Introducing the services of Abrarvan Company
  • Attracting mobile operators, Internet service providers, content providers, startups, researchers, policy makers, users, students and practitioners
  • Encompassing the fields of CDN, services research, virtualization, security and privacy

Conference on the Effects of Broadband on Development of Cloud Computing

  • Training of cloud computing concepts
  • Explaining the challenges  of supporting  cloud startups
  • Explaining the effects of broadband on development of cloud computing services
  • Explaining  the role  of data centers on development of  cloud computing
  • Strategies for Commercialization of cloud computing services
Research partner
Ehram Safari-ITO (Information Technology Organization)

The conference held in September, 2015 and included tutorials and 4 business panels addressing the key theme of Cloud Computing.

Within this scope, the following features were provided:

  • Attracting startups, researchers, policy makers, developers, users, students, and practitioners from the fields of Cloud Computing
  • Attracting stakeholders from the fields of systems architecture, services research, virtualization, security and privacy, and high performance computing
  •  Emphasizing on how to build cloud computing platforms with real impact
  • Introducing the first Iaas service by Information Technology Organization 

Marketing Research in Post Company with the Approach of the Postal Service

  • Estimating of the Postal potential markets across the country;
  • Providing the big picture of post company's existing market status and its major competitors
  • Understanding the role of post company's brand in the minds of private consumers, organization customers, and post company's employees
  • Understanding the postal markets in Germany, Britain, Switzerland, Sweden, Brazil, South Korea, and Turkey
  • Proposing new structure for marketing unit of Post Company
Research partner
Hamid Reza Khari - PNC (Post National Corporation)

Explaining the current status of postal products and services, identifying the needs and demands of present and future customers, formulation and provision of market strategies for postal services, define and update new and innovative services for consumers.

Within this scope, the following services are provided:

  • Determination of marketing strategies for postal services
  • SWOT analysis of postal markets and value-added services
  • Explaining the Post Company services markets
  • Explaining the position of major competitors in the postal services market
  • Universal Postal Union's Annual reports
  • Post Company's recent reports of five years
  • Opinions analysis of private consumers, organizational customers, post company's employees, post company's website users (using different questionnaires)

Conceptual Model for Cost Determination of E-Government Services

  • Market control which brings about consumer and producer support
  • Providing a competitive environment for electronic services
Research partner
Niloufar Moradhasel-ITO (Information Technology Organization)

The main activities of the project can be mentioned as follows:

  • Doing comparative study of the cost model of e-gov services
  • Designing cost model for e-gov services
  • Designing price model for e-gov services
  • Providing some policy making tools for e-gov services
  • Analyzing gap for e-gov services
  • Investigating e-gov pricing regulations
  • Analyzing gap on public-private partnership in e-gov development

Providing a Roadmap & Governing Document for ICT Regulatory

  • Regulatory shift from centralized control to facilitate competitive business environment
  • Elimination of access monopolies  and service provision
  • Changing the regulatory structure from regulation agency to the market monitoring
Research partner
Mohsen Pazari-CRA

Explaining the current status of  ICT regulatory system and identifying performance related entities (actors) and preparing strategic document for ICT Regulatory and offering ICT regulatory operational programs in both short term (one year) and long term (5 years).

Within this scope, the following impacts can be taken into account:

  • Promoting regulatory institutions in the country
  • Determining governance areas  for communications and information technology  (the universal approach)
  • Determining regulatory areas of ICT
  • Determining goals, strategies and operational policies for ICT regulatory
  • Proposing enterprise architecture, structure and functions of the ICT regulatory
  • Determining of executive projects necessary to achieve the objectives of governing document for short term, medium term and long term intervals
  • Preparing regulatory governing document based on strategic planning of Robinson group
  • Preparing the ICT sector based on the United Nations  ISIC Rev.4
  • Using competitive approach with emphasis on the prevention of anti-competitive behaviors
  • Using TEAF Architecture model for creating a regulatory structure

Space Qualified Input De-Multiplexer for a Ku Band GEO Communications Satellite

  • Compact Design
  • Space Qualified
  • Competitive Cost
  • Small Dimension
Research partner
Nouramowj Sharif

The aim of this project is to deploy the de-multiplexer in Ku-Band with the following specifications:

  • High center frequency stability
  • Narrowband contagious channels
  • Good out of band rejection

Within this scope, following features can be taken into account:

  • Reliability: 95% for 12 years
  • Frequency Band: (10.95-10.99 GHz)
  • Channel bandwidth: 36 MHz
  • Number of channels: 4
  • Maximum input power: 10W
  • Operating temperature: -15 ~ +55 °C
  • Dimensions: 0.50×0.40×0.05 m
  • Out of band rejection: 30 dB
  • Dielectric resonators

Space Qualified Output Multiplexer for a Ku Band GEO Communications Satellite

  • Compact Design
  • Space Qualified
  • Competitive Cost
  • Small Dimension
Research partner
Nouramowj Sharif

The aim of this project is to deploy multiplexer for a Ku-Band with the following specifications:

  • High center frequency stability
  • Narrowband contagious channels
  • Good out of band rejection.

Within this scope, following features can be taken into account:

  • Reliability: 95% for 12 years
  • Frequency Band: (10.95-10.99 GHz)
  • Channel bandwidth: 36 MHz
  • Number of channels: 4
  • Maximum channel power: 100W
  • Operating temperature: -15 ~ +55 °C
  • Dimensions: 0.50×0.40×0.15 m
  • Combining loss: 0.5 dB
  • Out of band rejection: 30 dB
  • Dual mode waveguide resonators

Engineering Prototype of Ku-Band Transponder for a GEO Communications Satellite

  • Ubiquitous Coverage
  • Consistent Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Infrastructure Building
  • Cost Predictability
  • Traffic Bypass
  • Scalability & Re configurability
  • Temporary Network Solutions
  • Total Network Management
  • A Long-Term Solution for the Last Mile
  • Rapid Provisioning of New Services
Research partner
Mouj Pajooh Azma

The aim of this project is to deploy bent pipe type transponder with reliable & stable local oscillator to keep the frequency translation stable. Within this scope, following features can be taken into account:

  • Reliability: 95% for 12 years
  • Transmit frequency: (10.95-10.99 GHz)
  • Receive frequency: (14-14.04 GHz)
  • Operation modes: FGM & ALC
  • Noise figure: <2.2 dB
  • Output power: 40W
  • Input power sensitivity: -76dBm ~ -91dBm
  • Operating temperature: -15 ~ +55 °C
  • Dimensions: 0.44×0.38×0.21 m
  • Power consumption: 380 W
  • Power supply: 32 ~ 50Vdc