Security Labs

Seclab (Network Equipment Test & Evaluation Lab)

In order to evaluate the security performance of applied products in the field of communication and information technology, at the same time as the Security Research Institute started its activities in 2018. The (IT & OT) products security evaluation tests carried out in SecLab are based on ISO/IEC/ISIRI 15408 & IEC62443 standards.

Seclab Mission


In order to solve the requirements and problems related to native products with the aim of helping the producers and developers of native security products and also guaranteeing the security of products.

  • Cultivating specialized and efficient human resources
  • Preparing the protection profile by the laboratory and having it confirmed by a government organization
  • Providing sample security verification and evaluation services
  • Providing laboratory services related to security assessment to the research groups of the Research Institute of Communication and Information Technology and universities.
  • Production of native systems required by the laboratory and empowerment of internal knowledge in the field of security
  • Research and research regarding existing standards in the field of security assessment and improving the level of security assessment based on international standards.
  • Creation of databases required to perform security assessment
  • Setting up different laboratories in the field of security according to the needs of the country.
  • Holding specialized training courses.
  • Preparation and compilation of documents related to the security evaluation of various equipment and systems (security requirements and test methods)

Seclab Services:

The security evaluation services and tests of information technology products in the laboratory are as follows

Network applications (web products and mobile applications)

Network equipment (UTM, firewall, WAF, SIEM,...)

Industrial control equipment and systems

  • Providing training courses in the field of security
  • Assessing security and determining the maturity level of security in the country's critical infrastructure.