Microwave Radio Systems Lab

In the RF Lab you can electronically measure/test over a wide frequency range (DC-60 GHz) of circuits and systems.  For instance parameters like Noise Figure, Phase-Noise, S-parameters of microwave circuits, frequency spectrum, BER, and other Electrical parameters of radio systems.


  • Measurement for passive antennas: Radiation Pattern, Gain 2-10 GHz
  • S-parameters of passive antennas and microwave circuits up to 40GHz
  • Electrical parameters of  Microwave Radio systems up to 60GHz based on ETSI EN 301 128 & ETSI EN 302 217-2-2 standards
  • Noise Figure up to 26GHz


Target Users

  • University students
  • Manufacturers of electronic products
  • Mobile Communication Operators
  • Telecommunication regulation and market supervision
  • Research & development  projects


Recent activities

  • Test of more than 70 different models of microwave radio systems.
  • Test of more than 500 passive microstrip antenna, microwave circuits and LNA for university students and research projects.